I was initially unimpressed with my efforts to sandblast beads. The finish looks unduly coarse compared to acid etching. After examining the beads again, I concluded that it looks ok on boro, which is fortunate, since boro doesn't acid etch well.
Obviously one can cut holes in hollow beads with a sandblaster. I suppose I should look up my notes from Diana East's presentation about what particular resist she used—some sort of thin membranous rubber, possibly with an adhesive backing, as I recall.
But the most important point I took away from this is that it will take practice to achieve the effect I want. And my new favorite (and therefore no-longer-trendy, since I'm always behind the curve) way to express this?
Le sigh.
file created 16 & 29 mar07.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn