After the first two note cards that attempted to show both the flowers as well as the stem and leaves that supported them, I became interested in precisely depicting some of the subtler details of the individual flowers themselves.
I was particularly fascinated by the way the petals, or rays, folded in at the base, where they joined the flower's disk. And of course no-one can fail to be fascinated by the wonderful, spiraling patterns of daisylike flower centers.
I was somewhat able to capture the rays, albeit very imperfectly, and surely without the wonderful play of light caused by the longitudinal creases in the petals; but trying to get the Fibonaccian[1] pattern of center was beyond my patience, let alone skill, for a quick sketch.
But here's a photograph that shows what I'm talking about:
Though it was taken 5 days later than the card was painting, you can see both the pattern in the central disk, and the way the rays fold in where they attach—so it's a good model even if not perfectly sharp, because it was shot at ISO 400.
And despite its flaws, the sketch has a strong graphic quality that makes a nice change from the others. —But hey, more of these drawings are on the way:

The ones I've been documenting up to now were made on 07Sept; here's another lot of three, that I painted on 12sep, about 5 days later, using the same paints, brushes and paper. They will show up soon:)
[1]And why do plants follow this pattern? Because it's efficient for packing, of course.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn