I purchased this houseplant—along with some blue flag iris and blue-eyed grass (natives) that haven't, so far as I know prospered[1] in late June of 2021, and there were two slightly different cultivars: one, shown here, with the dramatic purple blotches, the other with green leaflets and a thin, zigzaggy line of purple only at the outer boundary.

oxalis, ‘Iron Cross’ cultivar; sony ILCE-7C, sony 90mm macro, 26sep22:14:10; f/2.8, EV -0.7, 1/125s, ISO 50, WB: daylight
It's not really happy living with me, producing, even in the warmest temps and the most sun I have to offer, leggy foliage and very slow growth (contrasted, say, with the golden oxalis, which I have a pretty easy time growing, let alone the native species that happily seeds itself throughout my yard.)

closeup of iron cross cultivar bloom; sony ILCE-7C, sony 90mm macro, 26sep22:14:11; f/2.8, EV 0, 1/100s, ISO 50, WB: auto; sharpened, rotated, cropped in gimp
But it did at least finally produce some flowers this summer, which I didn't expect to be magenta pink. I thought they might open more, but the following day, which was at least part sun, they looked exactly the same. —And now I have a record for posterity, as I have a feeling this rather unusual variety will eventually die on me.
[1]The blue-eyed grass might be hanging on by a thread—part of the problem is that when it's not blooming, it looks too much like witchgrass, a weed...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn