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the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
April in Michigan,
So it must be Snowing, right?

Last Monday, I returned from a road trip overjoyed to discover that it was still spring in Michigan, and that some of my bulbs had actually survived rodentious predation over the winter. I took pix of daffodils, woodland hyacinths, grape hyacinths (and a few waining crocus) to celebrate having a spring garden again.

Just look at those happy flowers soaking up warm spring sun!

Good thing too, because of course the warm, nearly summer like weather we've been having for the last couple of weeks or so couldn't last...

(I love my macro setting on this camera...)

It rained much of Friday and Saturday, and was cold—all the better to spend the weekend indoors, at a convention. Saturday evening the rain turned to wet sloppy snow, but of course, we knew this late in the season it wouldn't stick.

There's a reason our last date of frost isn't till June 1!

Guess again. By sunday morning there was definitely white stuff all over the ground, and I went out to photograph my poor flowers. Sunday afternoon big fat flakes were still coming down, by the evening that wet sloppy stuff was still plopping down...

Poor daffs, bowed down with snow: the boro beads on bent mandrels are practice beads I use as plant markers in the garden.

Ah, April in Michigan.

originally created 24apr05:)

