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the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
2023 Reworking
of a magnolia and brown paper giftwrap

Last solstice I decorated two brown cardboard boxes with a krinkle paper ribbon in a matching brown colour and magnolia silk flowers, but I wasn't really that happy with my photography of them: the one was simply too big to properly crop the background to plain-ness.

gift wrapping with silk flowers, paper, acetate?, wire edged & curling ribbons, musically themed ornament, hot glue, 24 or 25dec; photography, 25dec22 sony ILCE-7C, sony macro 90mm, f/2.8, ev +0.7 1/100s, ISO 1250, WB: cloudy; light source (natural through window); rotated, cropped and scaled in gimp

I liked the actual decorations, however, and saved them for nearly seven months as fireplace screen decorations—however, I had another gift to wrap, and as it was a deer skull, a natural organic colour scheme—I decided to recycle these decorations. However, in the meantime, my bestie had given me a bunch of wrapping paper, so I actually wrapped the gift:

gift wrapping with silk flowers, paper, acetate?, wire edged & curling ribbons, musically themed ornament;

Though technically it's xmas paper, the colour scheme was perfect, and besides the recipient likes music (plus buried in there somewhere, but evidently not a single one of these shots shows the musically themed xmas ornament....)

gift wrapping with silk flowers, paper, acetate?, wire edged & curling ribbons, musically themed ornament;

Because the wrapping table is covered with an embarrassingly high pile of crap, and I was too lazy to bring up my glue gun, I basically just pulled apart the original decorations (which had been very lightly glued just for this reason) and retied them around the box.

gift wrapping with silk flowers, paper, acetate?, wire edged & curling ribbons, musically themed ornament;

I sort of just tied the paper bow togther, and then, as you would for traditional flower arranging, poked things in.

gift wrapping with silk flowers, paper, acetate?, wire edged & curling ribbons, musically themed ornament;

I'm not certain the photography is any better than the original iteration, but for whatever reason I was happier with the backgrounds, as you can see from the five different views I took of it...

gift wrapping with silk flowers, paper, acetate?, wire edged & curling ribbons, musically themed ornament;

Really, I was pretty happy with this reworking, though if I'm honest I'm not certain it's actually any better than the first effort. At least I've finally got a page of both!


[giftwrap] [floral] [2022] [2023]