These beads came from no-longer needed and/or failed unicorn horn ornament samples, which, being nice and thick, made them ideal for reworking into large beads.

the big dottie is about 36mmx38mm; the lentil measures 37mm hole to hole x 39 x 20mm. Made in apr or may of 2021; photographed apr ’22. sony ILCE-7c / sony 90mm macro; f/4.0 1/160s, ISO 64, ev 0, godox 600 flash at 1/4 power.
To make the manufacturing project a touch easier, I used thick (12–15mm) clear rods for the second half of the bead.

sony ILCE-7c / sony 90mm macro; f/4.0 1/160s, ISO 64, ev 0, godox 600 flash at (probably) 1/4 power. Cropped to a 1:1 ratio.
The beads are kinda blah, but I quite like the photography, especially images 2 and 3.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn