· r e j i q u a r · w o r k s ·
the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Pretty in Pink
Calla lilies are cool

One of the many ways I consider myself to be extremely fortunate is having wonderful neighbors. When we moved in, the neighbors on either side were awesome. —In fact one was my spouse's coworker, who encouraged us to move here. But she moved, after she lost her job. And the others, who had a wonderful rose garden moved to start a new job.

There was a bit of a hiatus where we had a fellow who was simply too busy to take care of the roses; and they got ripped out. But now we have new, garden-friendly neighbors again, and they've been revamping the border bed next to ours:

Calla lilies.

I'm so pleased. I used to pick bugs off Tanya's roses; here I did a bit of weeding (because, um, the weeds had escaped from my yard!) Their puppy visits my yard, and they don't mind if the compulsion to eradicate the stray garlic mustard plant drives me into theirs, or even if pretty photographic opportunities lure me in...as I warned these would;)

Macro lenses are great for documenting guttation[1]

Meanwhile the fella on the other side has been ripping out tired old shrubs (e.g. honeysuckles) and putting in a beautiful new fence. So I can see his wonderful garden too:)

Pretty sweet.

Very similar to the above—couldn't decide which I preferred.

[1]Must have taken me fifteen minutes and two search engines to find that term...


[local] [flora]