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the various and sundry creations of sylvus tarn
Watery blues and greens
support a raked lotus mouse

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this mouse are the graduated-length bugles; the raking on the focal is so slight to be almost invisible. But it's an attractive colour scheme with a watery theme.

Length: 8-3/8", not including keyring. Lotus raked hollow, approx 15mm; glass, hematite, freshwater pearl, base metal, stainless steel, beadalon. Photographed 30Oct2019

Often, it's easier to re-shoot something than look for it, but in this case it was worth digging up the older image, as it's a better one, showing the bead in a more realistic manner, though the lighting is not as pleasingly dramatic:

This image was taken 31July2018; Focal measures 15mm at its widest dimension.

Unfortunately the automagic downsizing algorithm is a bit fuzzy; you'll have to click for the original, sharp version.

One of a series of mice that went to Japan in late 2019.


[blue] [green] [raked] [dead_mouse] [2018] [2019]