This is a joint effort in more ways than one. My friend Page and I went in on a vase, or urn, with stately, repeating motifs that we rather thought would appeal a Byzantine scholar, and so it proved. However, the piece was fairly large, and the wrapping paper wouldn't cover the box. I had heard about someone whose wrapping techniques left part of the gift showing. This to me rather defeats the purpose, but freed up my thinking to the point where I was willing for part of the underlying box to show, as with this gift.
Pam's wedding was to be in October, and she likes autumn colors anyway, so the paper depicting fall leaves set up the color scheme, along with the fimo butterflies (ranging from approx 1.5–5 in/3–12cm), made by Mary Jo Tetkowski. (She'd made a bunch of them in a workshop and hadn't the faintest idea of what to do with them.) Because the box was so relatively large—perhaps 12–15 inches (30–40cm) I also thought the hemp rope wouldn't over power it.

Bows, curling and ripped ribbon and some silk flowers finish off the decorations.
Originally created: Sat Sep 12 22:18:30 EDT 1998
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn