The glassbeads index was getting a tad on the messy side, so I decided to move some of the odds and ends into a subdirectory. Some day, it will be all subdirectories, I suppose...

Though these beads were made earlier, this is the first post about them specifically . Originally posted 28jan09. 28jan2009

Though made (and photographed) in 2007, I didn't get around to posting these grey, red, and white gravity swirl beads till 2008. Originally posted 08dec08. 08dec2008

This post about bighole beads of 2007 & beyond also discusses some styling issues for photography. Originally posted 3jun08. 03jun2008

Collects the 2007 posts about the Effetre-compatible Color Is Messy line . Index created 14apr08. 12apr2008
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn