This subindex collects the various Color Is Messy posts I've made to date. Color is Messy is a nominally 104 compatible glass with Effetre, and the owner of the firm has gone to what sounds like a great deal of effort to make the glass compatible—I had a fascinating discussion with her about the various tests she'd employed. That said, I know lampworkers who've claim to have had some difficulties, so the usual caveat, try it and see, applies. So far, I've had great luck with it, but my testing got interrupted by the cold last year—I'm looking forward to resuming my experiments with the sample pack I was given.
sub-index created 12apr08.

CiM samples–sunshine (opq yellow), Gypsy (trans purple), unk brown, plus a DH? aqua (elektra?). Collects the samples pages 13mar2014

Stevi Belle's beautiful vessel is the inspiration for the Evil Queen/Commando Jan 2014 CiM focal challenge. 20nov2023

CiM's nutmeg and hematite are cool, and a quite beautiful combination. That doesn't mean my 40 bead challenge came out well, though. 08mar2014

In 2012 Creation is Messy (CiM) sends out colors for testing. 5 years later I post my results... 14dec2017

The very first beads I made with the Color is Messy pallette. Made in October, originally posted 16nov07. 19nov2007

sample strand for the current creation is messy color is messy (104coe) palette. Originally posted 27oct07 27oct2007

Comparisons of 4 blacks —Effetre 064, 066, hades0820 and vetrofond 064 on vetrofond 204, Effetre 208, and Thompson enamel white (9010?). Originally posted 21oct07. 21oct2007

comparison of two yellow abstracts made with Creation is Messy Hades black and Effetre Dense 066 black. Originally posted 20oct07 20oct2007

So the question for today is, why, if you had a rather irritating neighbor behind you who a) took down the fence between your yard and hers, even though she was perfectly aware you had a dog and small children merely because "she hated it", b) proceeded to be mildly aggravated when said dog wandere...
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn