Some time, probably in 2007[1] I think I belonged to some sort of ‘colour of the month’ club, and received these assortments of lauscha for which I had no very great confidence of their compatibility with anything else: so I made self beads, such as this one here:
So I made a series of pink pixie beads out of some the odd-lot pink Lauscha. This one has some interesting color variations, partially from (carefully!) cooking the pixie dust but also because I made the two halves of the bead from different colours. Even so, the one on the left side (bottom, undotted) part of the bead struck differentially in the flame, yielding those blue bands, especially near the midline, or equator of the bead.
This view of the bead reflects the underside, and emphasizes the subtle gold and delicate favrile qualities of the pixie dust at the expense of the bead's overall transparency.
Originally posted 10dec08; made into pixie index page (replacing a plan to make the page a dottie index) at some point in the interim; most of the text, reimported 1st image, added 2nd, 20jan2020

My first kumistrung necklace in a long, long time. It's also the first to feature my own lampwork beads. 07sep2015

A series of large hollow pressed focal with pressed daisy motif, made with pi glass . Originally posted 07apr09. 07apr2009

Elegant, simple and lush teal pixie focals, including some dottie pixies. . Originally posted 19jan09. 19jan2009

a piece of black and white bead embroidery photographed over several years with 4 different cameras... 27aug2015

Collects the 2008 glass bead pages. Still needs some add'l pix, titles, but page is outlined. Photographed 22jan08, edited 28apr14, needs to be revamped 2020 31jan2020

A series of chain-link bracelets featuring lampwork beads and bold, clean design (but with texture!). Originally featured 29nov07 29nov2007

This classic bracelet celebrates silver—silver pixie, silver pearls, sterling silver. Originally posted 12jan07 12jan2007

Multi-strand freshwater pearl, moonstone, white pixie and bali silver bracelet made to match a similar necklace. 09dec2006

Freshwater pearl and silver necklace. Strung summer 06, originally posted 18oct06. (Private collection). 18oct2006

This page collects posts on various small, round, designer pixie beads, and it really took off when I started using this type of bead to practice my floral trailing. file created 08jun05 14oct2006

New post of old (2003) beads . These range from the standard small (10–13mm) to quite large size (25mm?). Originally posted 14oct06 14oct2006

I made, I think before we moved. Say it's five years old or so. At any rate, I couldn't sell it, couldn't even give it away; it was such a resounding failure I tore it apart to harvest the beads for the lowly bead curtain. Now that silvered stringing cable is available, I wouldn't e...

round pixie florals use up lots of less-than-perfect (read: ugly) striped floral cane. file created 05jun05 05aug2005

Some so-so beads serve as a springboard for some mild philosophical musings on the state of the bead world. File created 29apr05 02may2005

The joys and frustrations of making floral vases in Satake. File originally posted 26apr05 26apr2005

An experimental pixie floral vase. Dig that bright yellow handi-tac I'm too lazy to Gimp out...created 03apr05, posted 04apr05 04apr2005

An actual new piece: a multistranded tasseled necklace featuring garnet, onyx, glass and silver with an antique curliQ focal. File created 17sep04, 18apr2006

What I offered to make in exchange was a string of ``Tiffany favrile style glass'' beads using a pixie dust coating. The collector who wanted them seemed very inclined to give me a lot of latitude—plenty of time to make them, and ``no stress'', which I interpreted to mean to follow my artistic i...

Cats and fish chase each other in a silvery sea. Made in 2000, photographed 04sep02. Collection of Ms. Agnes Clark. 22may2004
[1]Back when I moved images out of their original date directories to organize ’em, I guess, cuz the relevant images are missing, available only on the website photo albums.
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn