I have taken many, many pictures of this piece in situ, and am not really happy with any of them. It was too big to shoot in the light box (I briefly thought about investing in a larger one, but did not) and shooting it in place doesn't really give the results I want—I simply can't blur out the background quite enough. However, I was pretty happy with the piece. It's a bit unusual in that I used a translucent focal, and of course the doubled strands. Unlike my first plant hanger the longest strands all hung in a tight clump, rather than being spread by the larger beads of the upper tassel.
This shows the piece shortly several months after installation. Note that the lower of the two beads squeezing the ‘horizontal’ tassel strands shown last time is completely buried/hidden by them in the finished piece.
A year later, the plant has grown, and another plant hanger has joined in. Unfortunately the long cold winter has been really hard on the plants, and though spider plant is tolerating the cold and drafts reasonably well, the other two are miserable. I plan to cut them back in spring, and repot the xmas cactus to see if I can save it.

3 plant hangers—the pink one is in the middle, with the spider plant. I used the lensbaby to help blur the edges and background of the shot. Frankly it could do with a bit more blurring...
This shot shows the loop, and the 8 strands that characterize this plant hanger. The others only have 4.
Ok, so below I was just playing around with color and texture, but I really like this shot. It has something of a carnival look to it:)

This last in a series of posts about an elaborate beaded potted plant hanger also collects all the plant hanger posts together. 20mar2014
Unless otherwise noted, text, image and objects depicted therein copyright 1996--present sylvus tarn.
Sylvus Tarn